Welcome to IDERA’s virtual education. In this video, we are going to talk about deploying SQL Safe Backup into an environment leveraging always-on high availability. In this particular example, we have a 2 node always-on availability group. The two servers involved would be eval a g1 and eval a g2. One being the primary. Two being the secondary. Couple databases associated to that availability group. Now the first step that you are going to need to do when deploying to any SQL Server is to inform SQL Safe Backup basically where that SQL Server is. Or what SQL Servers do we need to backup? It is relatively easy to do. You would say register a new SQL Server. You could type in the name. So we will type an eval a g1. And then we will type an eval a g2. And then if you have cross-domain environments where it may be necessary to leverage something like a SQL authentication account besides a Windows authentication account. You could certainly specify that. In this case we are all within the same domain. So it is relatively simple. So now that we have told SQL Safe Backup about the two nodes that eventually we will have backups run on them. We need to deploy the agents. Now it is relatively simple. If you right-click on a particular SQL Server it will give you the ability to deploy the backup agent. But before you do that it may be wise to go under Management Console Preferences. And explain to SQL Safe Backup which accounts you want that backup service to run as. So under agent deployment, you will have the ability to specify a domain account that you would like that specific agent to run as. So that you do not actually have to go out to the server and make a modification. So the first thing we will do is we will deploy the agent to the first node. You know. So I right-click. It will then prompt me (you know) what type of deployment do we want to do. You want to deploy the agent as well as the extend store procedures that would give you the ability to script out in a T-SQL fashion backup and restore operations. So if you are on the fence on whether or not you want to deploy the extensional procedures. You do not have to. You can push those up remotely as well after the fact. But generally speaking, I think most of our users and I would recommend that you go ahead and deploy those extents or procedures if it is at all possible. Because it adds some extra functionality to the tool. So we will say okay. And then this will go out to the environment. It is discovered that it is a cluster. So it is indicating that we are going to be installing on the active node. It is basically letting me know that there is another instance, other servers associated to this cluster that I will need to do a secondary install on. So we need to install the binaries or the agent itself on each node that makes up the AG. If you were talking about a fail-over cluster the same concept would apply. So the first part of the story is done. Right. So we have we have informed SQL Safe Backup and put that agent out there on a g1. And now we are going to do the exact same thing on a g2. So we are going to install a SQL Safe Backup agent. Say okay. It will also discover that this is part of a cluster. It is just letting me know again there is multiple servers here that we need to have those binaries deployed out to. Once this is finished you have a couple of different things that you could do with these agents. So at the bottom left-hand corner of the screen, you will notice an area called SQL Safe Backup agents. When you select that you will now see all the different servers where agents have been deployed. If you select all servers. One thing to be conscious of. The agents respond back generally to a central server. In my case, the server that we are on right now is called eval SQL one. That is where the management service for SQL Safe Backup is. When I talk about the management service there is a Windows service that is kind of the broker of communication for the SQL Safe Backup application. So when a backup occurs the backup service or the agent that in this case may be on eval a g2. Because that is the secondary. Would be responding back with its (you know) information about how long the backups taking, where the files located, the compression ratios. All to what we would call the SQL Safe Backup management service. So it is pretty important for those agents to all be talking to the same centralized location. If they are not you can go into an agent. You can modify the server that it is responding to. You can also explain to the agent how many backups or restore operations that can do simultaneously. The default would be three. So it can do three simultaneous back-ups, three simultaneous restores. But often you may want to make an adjustment there. So if you have very large databases three is appropriate because some databases might take a very long time. Where you have some smaller databases in there that could get done relatively quickly. In other environments, you might run 20. In other environments, you might run one. So it is somewhat dependent on your hardware that you are running with. But generally speaking, three is relatively normal. So once the agents been deployed you are good to go. You can do manual backups. You can do scheduled backups. And we will cover those in future videos. So that is how you would go ahead and deploy agents to an environment that is leveraging always-on. Thank you very much.
See Also:
- Infographic: Why Use Idera SQL Safe Backup
- Solution Brief: Instantly Access Data in Backup Files
- Solution Brief: SQL Safe Backup for the Hybrid Cloud
- Datasheet: SQL Safe Backup
- Video: An Overview of SQL Safe Backup
- Video: Why use IDERA SQL Safe Backup?
- Video: How to Configure SQL Safe Backup Policies with Availability Replicas
- Video: How To Manage Policy-Based Backup, Restore, and Log Shipping with SQL Safe Backup
- Video: How To Restore Databases Instantly and Set Up Virtual Databases with SQL Safe Backup
- Video: How To Backup and Instantly Restore with SQL Safe Backup
- Case Study: An Insurance Company Turns to IDERA for Reliable Database Recovery
- Case Study: Banner – University Medical Center Tucson Maximizes File Compression and Saves on Storage with IDERA SQL Safe Backup
- Case Study: IDERA helps PPG Industries reduce SQL Server backup storage costs by over 70 percent
- Case Study: MetTel Conquers SQL Server Log Shipping and Improves Data Recovery with IDERA Tools
- Case Study: SQL Safe Backup Saves Sisters of Mercy Hospital System
- Case Study: Woman’s Hospital saves time and money with IDERA SQL Solutions
Topics : Database Backup,
Products : SQL Safe Backup,