Video : ER/Studio Data Architect

Document Databases. Part 6: Create New Target Databases

Creating a new database from a physical data model is an important step in the database development process. This is because it allows developers to create a database that reflects the structure and relationships of the data being stored. There are several reasons this is important:

  • Accuracy: Creating a physical data model ensures the database represents the data being stored. This includes defining tables, columns, constraints, and relationships between tables. By starting with a physical data model, developers can ensure the database can store and retrieve data in a way that is consistent and accurate.
  • Efficiency: Creating a physical data model can help developers identify potential performance issues before one builds the database. By considering the size of the data, the number of users, and other factors, developers can optimize the database structure to ensure that it is efficient and scalable.
  • Collaboration: A physical data model can serve as a blueprint for the development team. This ensures that everyone agrees and understands the structure of the database. It also makes it easier for developers to collaborate on the database development process.
  • Documentation: A physical data model serves as documentation for the database. This can be useful for future developers who need to understand the structure of the database. It can also be useful for compliance, as it provides a record of how one designed and built the database.

Watch this video to discover how to create a new target database using IDERA’s ER/Studio Data Architect, including how to use a physical data model and deploy the design using forward engineering.

Learn the steps on how to use IDERA’s ER/Studio Data Architect to document databases in this video series:

Topics : Data Modeling,Enterprise Architecture,

Products : ER/Studio Data Architect,

ER/Studio Data Architect provides numerous modeling capabilities including naming standards, business data objects, and flexible macros that help data professionals create and document their data models. With an extensive feature set, ER/Studio Data Architect offers superior data modeling for single- and multi-platform environments.

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